A ministry designed to educate, emancipate, and empower a people to ultimately make a difference in our personal lives and community.


What is TOP known for?

Our church is primarily known for and has developed the reputation for the preached word of God.


What kind of church are we?

We are a non-denominational church with a Pentecostal experience.


What is our identity?

We are a culturally diversified group of people with the common ground that Jesus is LORD and must be proclaimed throughout the world. The identity of our church has international flavor. There are 27 nationalities.


TOP Vision Statement:

A ministry designed to educate, emancipate, and empower a people to ultimately make a difference in our personal lives and community.


TOP Mission Statement:

A ministry that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, spreads His unchanging truth with the purpose to edify and evangelize to the people, for the growth of God’s Kingdom.



We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And we believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.
And we believe in one holy Universal Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

November 27, 1992

The Church unofficially started on November 27, 1992 in a prayer service at the home of Deaconess & Chaplin Romero on 18th Street in Brooklyn, NY with 9 people gathered for prayer.


Gospel Truth

TOP was birthed out of the Lord putting Bishop Garnes out of his birth church, Gospel Truth Church. Bishop was about 25 when this happened. He was not sure why. If he had not been suspended from Gospel Truth, there would not have been Tabernacle of Praise. Years have passed and Bishop has a good rapport with Gospel Truth again. (They threw Joseph in the pit and he came back at the right time. They threw Moses out in the wilderness, only for him to return; later on to deliver a nation.)



Official services began in the living room of Bishop’s parents’ house. It was there many deliverances occurred. People got delivered from liquor. People who had challenges in their personal lives ended up getting married. Bishop’s father got saved just before he died while hearing the word of God.


March 18,1993

March 18,1993 Bishop met Archbishop J. Delano Ellis who was the founder of the reformation of the United Covenant Churches of Christ (UCCC)


Spring of 1993

In the spring of 1993 TOP moved from Bishop’s parents’ house to St. Augustine Episcopal auditorium on 96th St. and Winthrop Ave. They were comfortable in that place but eventually they were asked to leave. The building was broken into and TOP was blamed for it by the Landlord. They stated that the church did not close the place properly. They were thrown out in the middle of the week. The church had grown to 70 people at the time they were thrown out.


De Loraine Banquet Hall

That same week Bishop walked on Church Ave and ran into De Loraine Banquet Hall. Devils were there on Saturdays in the form of a night club, and they would come in and clean the place up and use it as the Church of the Lord Sunday mornings. They had to clean up every Sunday morning. At this point, there were 100+ people in TOP.


Missionary Olga

Shortly they moved again and the Holy Ghost came through Missionary Olga, and God spoke to Bishop that 1274 Utica would be TOP’s new home.



Since we have grown into two services. Now we are part of the next move. We are here and together we will change the face of the community.

November 27, 1992

The Church unofficially started on November 27, 1992 in a prayer service at the home of Deaconess & Chaplin Romero on 18th Street in Brooklyn, NY with 9 people gathered for prayer.


Gospel Truth

TOP was birthed out of the Lord putting Bishop Garnes out of his birth church, Gospel Truth Church. Bishop was about 25 when this happened. He was not sure why. If he had not been suspended from Gospel Truth, there would not have been Tabernacle of Praise. Years have passed and Bishop has a good rapport with Gospel Truth again. (They threw Joseph in the pit and he came back at the right time. They threw Moses out in the wilderness, only for him to return; later on to deliver a nation.)



Official services began in the living room of Bishop’s parents’ house. It was there many deliverances occurred. People got delivered from liquor. People who had challenges in their personal lives ended up getting married. Bishop’s father got saved just before he died while hearing the word of God.


March 18,1993

March 18,1993 Bishop met Archbishop J. Delano Ellis who was the founder of the reformation of the United Covenant Churches of Christ (UCCC)


Spring of 1993

In the spring of 1993 TOP moved from Bishop’s parents’ house to St. Augustine Episcopal auditorium on 96th St. and Winthrop Ave. They were comfortable in that place but eventually they were asked to leave. The building was broken into and TOP was blamed for it by the Landlord. They stated that the church did not close the place properly. They were thrown out in the middle of the week. The church had grown to 70 people at the time they were thrown out.


De Loraine Banquet Hall

That same week Bishop walked on Church Ave and ran into De Loraine Banquet Hall. Devils were there on Saturdays in the form of a night club, and they would come in and clean the place up and use it as the Church of the Lord Sunday mornings. They had to clean up every Sunday morning. At this point, there were 100+ people in TOP.


Missionary Olga

Shortly they moved again and the Holy Ghost came through Missionary Olga, and God spoke to Bishop that 1274 Utica would be TOP’s new home.



Since we have grown into two services. Now we are part of the next move. We are here and together we will change the face of the community.

November 27, 1992

The Church unofficially started on November 27, 1992 in a prayer service at the home of Deaconess & Chaplin Romero on 18th Street in Brooklyn, NY with 9 people gathered for prayer.


Gospel Truth

TOP was birthed out of the Lord putting Bishop Garnes out of his birth church, Gospel Truth Church. Bishop was about 25 when this happened. He was not sure why. If he had not been suspended from Gospel Truth, there would not have been Tabernacle of Praise. Years have passed and Bishop has a good rapport with Gospel Truth again. (They threw Joseph in the pit and he came back at the right time. They threw Moses out in the wilderness, only for him to return; later on to deliver a nation.)



Official services began in the living room of Bishop’s parents’ house. It was there many deliverances occurred. People got delivered from liquor. People who had challenges in their personal lives ended up getting married. Bishop’s father got saved just before he died while hearing the word of God.


March 18,1993

March 18,1993 Bishop met Archbishop J. Delano Ellis who was the founder of the reformation of the United Covenant Churches of Christ (UCCC)


Spring of 1993

In the spring of 1993 TOP moved from Bishop’s parents’ house to St. Augustine Episcopal auditorium on 96th St. and Winthrop Ave. They were comfortable in that place but eventually they were asked to leave. The building was broken into and TOP was blamed for it by the Landlord. They stated that the church did not close the place properly. They were thrown out in the middle of the week. The church had grown to 70 people at the time they were thrown out.


De Loraine Banquet Hall

That same week Bishop walked on Church Ave and ran into De Loraine Banquet Hall. Devils were there on Saturdays in the form of a night club, and they would come in and clean the place up and use it as the Church of the Lord Sunday mornings. They had to clean up every Sunday morning. At this point, there were 100+ people in TOP.


Missionary Olga

Shortly they moved again and the Holy Ghost came through Missionary Olga, and God spoke to Bishop that 1274 Utica would be TOP’s new home.



Since we have grown into two services. Now we are part of the next move. We are here and together we will change the face of the community.



Bishop Eric D. Garnes is a Modern Day Visionary, a Ministry of Protocol trailblazer and a Magnanimous Shepherd. He is the living epitome of the scripture, “Train up the child in the way he should go so when he is old he will not depart.” Proverbs 22:6. He attributes is unwavering spiritual strength and love for worship and praise to his being reared in a strong Christian home.

He completed his undergraduate studies with a Bachelor of Arts at the College of New Rochelle, New York Theological Seminary Division. Bishop Garnes completed two graduate studies programs with a Masters of Divinity Degree from the International Theological Seminary, and a second discipline with a Masters in Professional Studies degree with a concentration in Urban Theology & Leadership from Alliance Theological Seminary. Bishop Garnes earned his Doctorate of Ministry degree from Drew University and completed his academic requirements as a “Hilliard Fellow” designed to develop special academicians and scholars in church renewal. Presently, Bishop Garnes is an Adjunct Professor at Alliance Theological Seminary in the Graduate School of Nyack College.

Bishop Garnes has progressed steadily up the steps of the Episcopacy towards the office he now holds as Presiding Bishop and General Overseer of the United Covenant Churches of Christ whose churches are comprised of more than 20,000 members globally. The succession and growth of this altruistic man of God is listed in great magnitude, and only God knows what’s next for this vibrant, energetic and studious man-of-God.

This anointed man of God is the Senior Pastor of Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral), located in Brooklyn, New York—a church where the Spirit of God fills the temple—and it is growing by leaps and bounds. His goal and aspiration is to change the face of Utica Avenue, transforming it into an earthly empyrean. Bishop Garnes is married to a virtuous woman in the Lord, Lady Delicia Garnes, Ph.D. who assists him diligently in the uplifting of the ministry. They are the proud parents of two children, Darian Daniel Rene (son), and Bryanna A’Delicia Garnes (daughter).



Born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in the East Bay section of California, it is evident today that she was divinely prepared and born for such a time as this. Lady Delicia Benjamin Garnes truly supports her husband in the ministry serving as the Church Administrator. In addition, she serves in various roles and oversees several ministries within Tabernacle of Praise. She is without a doubt, a modern day Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31).

Lady Garnes was born to be a survivor and a successful woman of God, even if the odds were against her. Because education was always important, after graduating from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, she continued to broaden her horizons and graduated from Long Island University’s C.W. Post Campus with a Masters in School Guidance and Counseling. The blood and the adrenaline continued to flow, thus she has completed a successful journey by receiving her Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Regent University.

Lady Delicia Benjamin Garnes is on a journey of success in Christ and her career. Currently, she is the Associate Dean of Information Technology at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University, as well as an adjunct professor for the departments of Computer Science and Education.

Bishop and Lady Garnes are blessed to be the proud parents of their son, Darian, and daughter, Bryanna.

Lady Delicia Benjamin Garnes has been the recipient of several awards. She is an example to women that you can fight and win the battle when you stand still and see the salvation of God. She is also an illustration to the flock of believers that woman are precious and divinely made by God to handle anything. She is recognized for her wisdom to communicate, with the “mature” as well as the “young.” She is a wife, a mother, a career woman, a friend, a “First Lady,” and definitely a special woman of God.

“We glorify God for this fine woman and shall pray her through the purpose and destiny that God has prepared for her.”