Bishop Eric D. Garnes is a Modern Day Visionary, a Ministry of Protocol trailblazer and a Magnanimous Shepherd. He is the living epitome of the scripture, “Train up the child in the way he should go so when he is old he will not depart.” Proverbs 22:6. He attributes is unwavering spiritual strength and love for worship and praise to his being reared in a strong Christian home.

He completed his undergraduate studies with a Bachelor of Arts at the College of New Rochelle, New York Theological Seminary Division. Bishop Garnes completed two graduate studies programs with a Masters of Divinity Degree from the International Theological Seminary, and a second discipline with a Masters in Professional Studies degree with a concentration in Urban Theology & Leadership from Alliance Theological Seminary. Bishop Garnes earned his Doctorate of Ministry degree from Drew University and completed his academic requirements as a “Hilliard Fellow” designed to develop special academicians and scholars in church renewal. Presently, Bishop Garnes is an Adjunct Professor at Alliance Theological Seminary in the Graduate School of Nyack College.

Bishop Garnes has progressed steadily up the steps of the Episcopacy towards the office he now holds as Presiding Bishop and General Overseer of the United Covenant Churches of Christ whose churches are comprised of more than 20,000 members globally. The succession and growth of this altruistic man of God is listed in great magnitude, and only God knows what’s next for this vibrant, energetic and studious man-of-God.

This anointed man of God is the Senior Pastor of Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral), located in Brooklyn, New York—a church where the Spirit of God fills the temple—and it is growing by leaps and bounds. His goal and aspiration is to change the face of Utica Avenue, transforming it into an earthly empyrean. Bishop Garnes is married to a virtuous woman in the Lord, Lady Delicia Garnes, Ph.D. who assists him diligently in the uplifting of the ministry. They are the proud parents of two children, Darian Daniel Rene (son), and Bryanna A’Delicia Garnes (daughter).